Time Sucker aka Email

A new week starts today for my goals anyway. I did miss tracking what I ate last night, but I've picked it back up this morning and I've decide on my new baby step for this week. Keeping up on my e-mail.

I don't know if this is something everyone struggles with, but I'm sure I'm not the only one. I spent at least a couple of hours today sorting out right around 3,000 e-mails and that's after I started the purge earlier this week.

It's not that I don't ever check it. I just don't always go through and delete all the junk that clutters up my inbox on a daily basis. It can get overwhelming at times. I've tried unsubscribing to some that I don't remember ever subscribing to, but I don't think it worked for all of them. Luckily, it looks like Google finally set up an actual block feature (I probably just didn't know it was there before).

I probably go through twice a year and do a full sort and purge, but if I can keep up with it daily it won't be such a chore. It doesn't help that my phone decided to quit syncing properly this past month.

I also need to go through the folders and see what I need to keep or delete, but that will have to be done a little at a time. And it's low priority since it's not going anywhere and isn't time sensitive and I'm e-mailed out for one day. Blech!


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