2019 Just around the Corner

Why is it that the years seem to just fly by anymore? I guess it could just be that we are so busy with work, family, household tasks (or avoiding them) and entertaining ourselves that the days just fly by.

I've been thinking a lot about New Year's resolutions over the last week or so, which isn't terribly out of character for me. After all... my 2015 goals have now become my 2019 goals. (I know this because I came across my 2015 goal list the other day and it was frightening the number of one time tasks I still have on my 2019 list.) It's a five year plan! Really!!!

If you don't believe me, you're not the only one. According to my mom, she didn't know the meaning of the word "procrastination" until she started home-schooling me in the third grade. 😕 Of course, she only told me this two days ago.

Yes, procrastination is my... what do they call company goals? mission statement? I am trying to change that, but trying hasn't gotten me very far. *Looks back at goal list from 2015* But I'm not giving up, and I have made some progress.

Baby steps are key. Last year I read a couple of motivational books: Body Clutter by Leanne Ely and Marla Cilley, and 100 Ways to Motivate Yourself by Steve Chandler. One thing they both had in common that really stuck with me was the message that perfect is NOT an attainable goal. That trying to do everything is just going to burn you out and send you back to square one.

Pick one thing at a time. "Clean your sink" as one of the authors puts it.

I was amazed at how energizing and motivating it was to read these two books and come away with the thought that I'm not the only one that struggles with getting things done. I'm not the only one that tries to strive for perfection only to fall flat on my face and wallow in the failure.

I wish I could say that that energy and motivation carried me through the end of this year, that it was lasting, but it fizzled out in a few months and this year has seemed like a big black hole with bursts of sunshine.

As 2019 approaches, I can feel myself getting excited. A New Year! A clean slate! Time to roll up my sleeves and tackle some of those *ahem* 2015 goals and beyond. After all, January 1st is some magical portal into the great world of motivation and goal accomplishments!

Um... or not? The thought that came to me while considering my 2019 goals list was that there is no magic portal. What makes me think that I'm going to wake up on January 1st and it's going to be any different than the way I woke up on December 31st? Seriously?!

Of course I'm going to be just as tired as I ever am. Of course I'm going to sleep in, miss my morning goals, decide that everything on my list really doesn't look that inviting and I'd much rather stare at it all day trying to decide what I really want to do.

Que time pouring down the drain gallons at a time and the end of the day rolls around with maybe a sudden burst of "Oh my gosh I got NOTHING done today" that turns into a couple of menial tasks.

I know that's how I work. It's a constant battle. But one thing that I've noticed (not that it helps every day because I talk myself out of it *see above list avoidance*) is that if I just jump into a task I keep at it and by the end of the day I feel accomplished and proud of myself.

"Don't stare at it. Just do it. It will really only take five minutes and you wasted that staring at it." This is advice I give my nine and nearly thirteen year old daughters. This is advice that I have to constantly give myself. Gee I wonder where they got that from?

I'm a terrible procrastinator. Admitting it really hasn't found me the perfect cure, but I'm working on it. And I've decided not to wait for 2019 to start on my goals, because there really isn't a magic portal to motivation and accomplishment. It's a daily struggle. It's a day to day task that should be approached with baby steps (not the ENTIRE list all at once) and determination.


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