It's that Time of Year Again

New Years Resolutions... aka those goals that you set that you would like to see happen, but usually leave by the wayside sometime between the first week after you've made the resolution and the end of the year. Then a year later, you make the same resolution and it all starts again.

Well... I'm attempting it again. I've been trying, for maybe the last month, to eat a little healthier, exercise and loose weight. It has been sporadic at best and a failure at the worst. The five pounds I lost in the last month was back in one weekend of splurging and it was back to square one. Why oh WHY does it have to be so HARD to loose and so EASY to gain???!!! Stupid and unfair!

Okay... enough venting. This just strengthened my resolve to take my husband up on the offer to join my niece's gym so I can work out with her instead of re-joining weight watchers and probably failing miserably like I did the last time I tried it. Mostly because I don't think focusing on food is going to be my solution. I loose weight best when I'm active and exercising. While eating healthy helps, I'm too prone to backsliding when someone sets something sweet in front of my face... including those that are my supporters btw. And to be completely honest, myself.

What I've done so far:

I've limited my pop to one a day or less, and started drinking sparkling flavored water. Favorites: Crystal Ice: Black Cherry (I think), and Arrowhead has a new sparkling water flavored with lemon or lime.

I started drinking protein shakes for breakfast... not working because it doesn't satisfy my hunger and I end up eating something else anyway about an hour later.

Soup or Healthy Choice frozen meals for lunches last week and this week. This hasn't been totally successful, mostly because I either run out before I go to the store again or I'm not in the mood for it and end up going out to eat instead, which I try to avoid.

Before I got stick last week, and aside from a few days that I spent fixing our membership at the YMCA... being pissed at a place doesn't really give you an incentive to be there... I did manage to work in at least two days a week of exercise two weeks in a row.

Dinner has been sporadic as well... cooking healthy meals takes time and means lots of dishes to wash so it's a work in progress... and keeping ingredients on hand can be expensive and a challenge.

I'm not making any promises for keeping up on my blog, but I am going to the gym with my niece to work out and set up a membership. So here goes...


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